Wednesday 7 July 2010

Dates, Times & Entries

The Targa will be held on Wednesday the 21st July. All times given are in UK time (BST).

8:00 PM Invite window opens.
8:15 PM Invites open to reserves if any places are still free.
8:20 PM Parade lap, Grid Confirmed
8:25 PM Race Starts (I hopelessly overcook turn 1 and go into a wall backwards)


  1. SHOUld allow anonymous posting now

  2. Hi, I'd like to take part please. Gamertag Jamma Lad. (Friend of Hephalump)

  3. Boozy the Clown15 July 2010 at 22:11

    Glad to be a part of this, gonna have to put in some serious practise, good for 21st too.

  4. While I'm still a good 5 seconds off this kind of pace myself, The best lap times I've heard of so far are in the 6:08 range.
    There are loads of bits that are quite a lot faster than they look. The problem is there are also plenty of bits that are exactly as slow as they look, and mix up where you are and it's crunchy wall time :)

  5. I'm struggling to get much below 6:30. Still a couple of bits that catch me every time...

  6. Got my livery, thanks! My best is 6:31.something, I think (only managed about 5 laps of practice, mind). So I'll be coming last then! Still, it'll be a fun drive on some beautiful roads, even if I'm crap.

  7. The paint job is amazing. Thanks very much for that. I will treasure it forever!

  8. I'm all set for tonight - might not be able to read this / post whilst at work but I'll be available again from 7:30ish tonight.

    By the way, can we get all the liveries after the race? I'd prefer that even to the points prizes - they're bootiful!!!

  9. Yeah, i was thinking that last night - I was at the very least going to send you the #3 as it was your first choice (You ended up in the #12 beacuse your second choice was free and mine had been picked as someone else's first choice by that point).
    I was also thinking if everyone's online and in lobby well ahead of time, we might do a little group photoshoot if people are cool with that.

  10. One question - does anyone know where the pit lane is on this course? I couldn't find it last night. Seeing as I'm yet to run a clean lap I may need it.

  11. There is no pitlane, I'm afraid - but that's why we're on 'limited' rather than 'full' damage.

  12. Did a 6.02.145 but not a clean lap like hephalumps 6.04

  13. Jamma Lad. Just put up my standard alfa brera up on 24 he auction for 1,000,000 cr.
    Will someone b. Buying it for my race winning prize money?
